Career Profile

Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary

Education Bachelor's
This is the typical education required for an entry-level position.
Earnings $31,700
This is the typical median salary earned for an entry-level position.

Graduate Teaching Assistants assist faculty or other instructional staff in postsecondary institutions by performing instructional support activities

General Information

Assist faculty or other instructional staff in postsecondary institutions by performing instructional support activities, such as developing teaching materials, leading discussion groups, preparing and giving examinations, and grading examinations or papers. Graduate students who teach one or more full courses should be classified in the 25-1000 minor group.

Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary

Occupational Outlook

For the Rural Capital Area


Job Opportunities

Over the next five years, an average of 33 openings per year are projected for Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary.


Employment Change

Employment for Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary is forecasted to increase on par with the regional average by 18.1% between 2023 and 2028.


Earnings Potential

An average worker in this occupation is paid $15.23/hour. Entry level workers are paid $10.89, while experienced workers are paid $19.93. The median wage is below average regional wages across occupations.

Local Employment Opportunities

There are 193 Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary in the RCA region. By 2028 this number could reach 228.

Top 5 Employing Industries, Locally

The top industries employing Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary are Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools, Junior Colleges, and Technical and Trade Schools.

Knowledge Areas

The top most significant knowledge categories for Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary include English Language, Education and Training, and Computers and Electronics.

Educational Attainment Patterns

The most common level of education for Teaching Assistants, Postsecondary is Bachelor's. 98% of people employed in these roles have some form of college degree.

Sources: BLS   JobsEQ®   ONET